Audio plugins with unparalleled sound enhancing capabilities. Comprises equalizers, compressors, reverbs, saturators, modulation results and extra.
For many who have already downloaded this bundle
Up to date information:
SymLink Installer.cmd
SymLink DeInstaller.cmd
Delete folders manually:
%COMMONPROGRAMFILESpercentAvidAudioPlug-InsHOFA-Plugins 2021-10
%PROGRAMFILES%HOFA-Plugins 2021-10
%PROGRAMFILESpercentVSTPluginsHOFA-Plugins 2021-10
%ProgramDatapercentHOFAHOFA IQ-Reverb
%ProgramDatapercentHOFAHOFA-Plugins 2021-10
SymLink Installer.cmd
SymLink DeInstaller.cmd
Delete folders manually:
%COMMONPROGRAMFILESpercentAvidAudioPlug-InsHOFA-Plugins 2021-10
%PROGRAMFILES%HOFA-Plugins 2021-10
%PROGRAMFILESpercentVSTPluginsHOFA-Plugins 2021-10
%ProgramDatapercentHOFAHOFA IQ-Reverb
%ProgramDatapercentHOFAHOFA-Plugins 2021-10
Listing of plugins
4U Goniometer & Korrelator (model: 1.3.2)
4U Meter, Fader & MS-Pan (model: 2.0.5)
4U+ BlindTest (model: 1.0.6)
4U+ DynamicTiltEQ (model: 1.0.7)
CD-Burn.DDP.Grasp (model: 2.0.7)
DDP Participant (model: 2.0.5)
HOFA SYSTEM (model: 5.0.3)
IQ-Analyser (model: 2.0.21)
IQ-Comp (model: 2.5.11)
IQ-DeEsser (model: 1.0.6)
IQ-Eq (model: 3.7.22)
IQ-Limiter (model: 1.0.13)
IQ-Reverb (model: 2.0.5)